Useful tips for navigation
Exploring. You did open the route window of a stage of the Via Christina. On bigger screens (computer, tablet) the interactive map appeared at the left side, the route details appeared at the right side. On smaller screens only the route details are visible: by clicking on the map-icon you will see the map (the i-icon brings you back to the route details).
On the interactive map you may now explore the route. The buttons at the right side on the map offer some basic options, like choosing between two map-types, full screen, zooming, searching a location. Navigation functions are rather poor in this ‘exploring modus’. In particular the ‘my-location-button’ is out of function.
Advanced navigation with your smartphone or your tablet. Once on the road, you will welcome some advanced tools for navigation. For most people the easiest way is to turn your smartphone or tablet into a navigation device. For that purpose the free RouteYou app is the most suited. Install this app (from Google Play or App Store) on the smartphone or the tablet you want to use as your navigation device.
When the app is installed on your phone or tablet, two ways of activating it are open:
– If you was already exploring a stage of the Via Christina on this smartphone or tablet, click on the button ‘Download/Print’ at the top of the ‘route details’. Several options will appear. Click on ‘navigate’. You can then choose between navigating with the website or navigating with the app.
– If you have to transpose a stage of the Via Christina from your computer to your phone or tablet for navigating, click on ‘Download/Print’ button at the top of the ‘route details’ and then on the share-button. In the menu choose ‘QR-code’. The QR-code of this particular stage of the Via Christina appears. By using the camera of your navigating device you may transpose the stage. The RouteYou app will open it automatically. Click ‘Start route’ for navigation.
NOTICE, THAT NAVIGATING ON SMARTPHONE OR TABLET USES QUITE SOME ELECTRIC POWER! Probably you will not reach the end op the stage without charging the battery. Hereafter more about this.
Some useful features on the RouteYou app:
Offline navigation. Open a stage on the phone or tablet for navigation. Click ‘Download/Print’. Next to the button ‘Start route’ a second button ‘Offline’ will appear. Click this button. The stage will be downloaded on your phone or tablet. Switch this device offline (by ‘Settings/Airplane mode’). Now you may navigate offline by clicking ‘Start route’.
For resuming navigation on downloaded stages afterwards: open the RouteYou app and make your choice under ‘Downloaded routes’.
Languages. You may, just like on this website, choose between six languages: English, Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish, French. Your device should be in online modus. Open the RouteYou app and click the ‘Profile’ button’. Select ‘App settings’ and ‘Language’. Now the route infomation and the information about points of interest will be presented in the language of your choice. (NB: de language of earlier downloaded stages will not be changed. You should download these stages again.)
More info about the use of your smartphone or tablet as navigation device on the website of RouteYou.
Also important: the information on RouteYou about battery life of smartphones. (The information is related to the mobile website [PWA] of RouteYou, but it is also in force for navigation with the RouteYou app.)
Other systems for navigation. RouteYou is connective with several other systems and devices. On the page of a selected stage click on the ‘Download/Print button at the top of the ‘route details’. The menu offers a list of devices and systems. Learn more it by clicking the options.
Working with stages on RouteYou. Exploring stages of the Via Christina directly on RouteYou is an option. You will find all the stages by typing ‘Via Christina’ in the filter ‘Group’.
The mobile website (PWA) of RouteYou for smartphones and tablets may be helpful with searching and navigating. More information on RouteYou.